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Writer's picture: Kylie HazzardKylie Hazzard

Time and time again I keep encountering the same phrase - luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Many have said this before me, but it bears repeating, especially now! This phrase we call Manifestation is essentially the same thing. I'm here today to remind you of your power!

So preparation is honestly pretty straightforward, but how do you make yourself opportunities? It can feel increasingly hard to get opportunities in an oversaturated hustle culture, but the trick is removing your own mental barricades. Simply put, focus on gratitude and follow the positives.

Take stock of what is unique about your particular flame - there is only one you. Now lean extra hard into all those things that only you can do. Now you're cooking!

If I get stuck thinking about the beloved venues that have closed, the devaluation of art as a whole, and every other problem in the world, I forget that I can also simply go outside and sing with the birds. It's important to remain aware, but to also alchemize your feelings into something that becomes an unstoppable force. Here is where listening to your gut and intuition comes into play.

I know you also have a little voice in your head that is helping call the shots - start trusting it! Your sense of intuition is a real part of you, and it can be refined. As you learn to trust it more, it gets louder and more obvious. Let yourself be tested and rise to the occasion - look at all that growth!!

Making your own luck has everything to do with figuratively playing in the sand. Get in there, do the work, and let yourself be guided to those magical alignments. Sorry for the jumpscare, but the magic is hiding in the hard work you're avoiding.

This all basically adds up to this: fall in love with the process. Now, the way I spend my present moment is all feeding into building the infrastructure to always have my own space to play - to create my own luck.

Of course I should mention our song "Lately," which is all about manifesting a win for yourself. I wrote this song to indulge the "everything is hard, woe is me" feeling, and transform it into a meditation on "what can I do though?". Now, this song plays on the radio, and I use it as a handy trick to find a parking spot when all hope seems to be lost (this seriously has worked more times than it should). It seems this song has gone ahead and started manifesting the wins for me.

So don't let the cruel world break you, let it fuel you. Rise up anyway, it's such a punk move to maintain your peace in a world that benefits from your rage.

Whatever it is you do, do it even harder, and know that I am here rooting for you!


Written by Kylie Hazzard

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